스카이랩 중고분석장비 재고리스트(Dec, 2024)재고리스트 2024. 12. 5. 15:21
안녕하세요, 중고분석장비 판매 매입 매각 전문 스카이랩입니다.
2024년 12월 기준, 중고분석장비 재고리스트가 업데이트 되었습니다.
Skylab Stock List(Dec, 2024)_Analytical.pdf0.26MBSkylab Stock List(Dec, 2024)_Semiconductor.pdf0.13MB재고리스트 중 견적을 희망하는 장비가 있으시거나,
중고 분석/이화학 장비에 대한 추가적인 문의 사항이 있으시면 아래의 이메일/전화를 통해 연락 부탁드립니다.
만약, 찾으시는 장비가 재고 리스트에 없더라도 확인 가능하오니 많은 문의 부탁드립니다.
* 홈페이지 http://www.skylab.co.kr (게시판 문의)
* 대표 이메일 info@skylab.co.kr
* 대표 전화 031-387-2727< S Y S T E M > No. Maker Item Model Vintage Configuration Remark 1 Thermo LC/MS Orbitrap Fusion Lumos/ Vanquish HPLC 2023 •Orbitrap Fusion Lumos
•N2 Generator
•Vacuum Pump *2ea
•Vanquish HPLC
-Vanquish Pump
-Vanquish Autosampler
-Vanquish Column oven
-Vanquish Detector2 Thermo LC/MS LCQ Fleet/ UltiMate 3000 UHPLC 2016 •LCQ Fleet
•N2 Generator
•Vacuum Pump
•UltiMate-3000 UHPLC
-Bin Pump
-Auto Sampler
-Column Compartment
-Vacuum Degasser
-DAD Detector3 Agilent LC/MS/MS 6460A/ 1260 Infinity LC 2012 •6460A
•N2 Generator
•Vacuum Pump
•1260 Infinity LC
-G1312B Bin Pump
-G1316C TCC
-G1367E HiP ALS
-G1330B Thermostat
-G1322A Degasser4 Sciex LC/MS/MS QTRAP4500/ Nexera HPLC 2013 •Qtrap4500
•N2 Generator
•Vacuum Pump
•Nexera X2 HPLC
-LC-30AD *2ea
-CBM-20A5 Sciex LC/MS/MS API4000/ 1100 Series HPLC 2004 •API4000
•1100 Series HPLC
-G330B ALSTherm
-G1321A FLD
-G1315B DAD7 Waters LC/MS/MS Xevo TQD/ I-Class UPLC 2016 •Xevo TQD
•N2 Generator
•Vacuum Pump
•Acquity I-Class UPLC
-Solvent Manager
-Sample Manager
-Sample Organizer
-Column Manager8 Waters LC/MS/MS Xevo TQD/ I-Class UPLC 2014 •Xevo TQD
•N2 Generator
•Vacuum Pump
•Acquity I-Class UPLC
-Solvent Manager
-Sample Manager
-Sample Organizer
-Column Manager9 Waters LC/MS/MS Xevo TQD/ H-Class UPLC 2013 •XevoTQD
•N2 Generator
•Vacuum Pump
•Acquity H-Class UPLC
-Quaternary Solvent Manager
-Sample Manager-FTN
-Column Heater10 Waters LC/MS/MS Xevo TQD/ H-Class UPLC •Xevo TQD
•N2 Generator
•Vacuum Pump
•Acquity H-Class UPLC
-Solvent Manager
-Sample Manager
-Column heater11 Waters LC/MS/MS Xevo TQ-MS/ Acquity UPLC 2013 •Xevo TQ-MS
•N2 Generator
•Vacuum pump
•Acquity UPLC
-Binary solvent manager
-Sample manager
-Column heater12 Waters LC/MS/MS TQD/ Acquity UPLC 2007 •TQD
•N2 Generator
•Vacuum Pump
•Acquity UPLC
-Binary Solvent Manager
-Sample Manager
-Column Heater13 Waters LC/MS/MS Quattro micro API/ 2695 2007 •Quattro Micro API
•Vacuum Pump
•Alliance 2695
-30cm Column Heater
-2996 PDA Detector14 Waters LC/MS/MS Quattro micro API/ 2695 2005 •Quattro Micro API
•N2 Supplier
•Vacuum Pump
•Alliance 2695
-2487 Dual λ Absorbance Detector15 Waters LC/TOF/MS Bio Accord/ I-Class Plus UPLC 2021 •Acquity Rda Detector
•N2 Generator
•Vacuum Pump
•Acquity I-Class Plus UPLC
-Binary Solvent Manager
-Sample Manager FTN-I
-FLR Detector
-TUV Detector16 Waters LC/TOF/MS SYNAPT G2-Si/ I-Class UPLC 2018 •SYNAPT G2-Si
•N2 Generator
•Vacuum Pump
•Acquity I-Class UPLC
-Binary Solvent Manager
-Sample Manager–FTN
-Column Manager
-30cm Column Heater/CoolerUpcoming soon 17 Waters LC/TOF/MS Q-TOF Premier/ Acquity UPLC •Q-TOF Premier
•N2 Generator
•Vacuum Pump
•Acquity UPLC
-Quaternary Sample Manager
-Sample Manager-FTN
-Column Manager
-30㎝ Column Heater/Cooler18 Waters Triple Quad MSD Xevo TQD 2015 •Xevo TQD
•N2 Generator
•Vacuum Pump19 Waters LC/MS QDA/ Acquity ARC 2021 •QDa Detector
•N2 Generator
•Vacuum Pump
•Acquity ARC
-Quaternary Solvent Manager-R
-Isocretic Solvent Manager
-Sample Manager FTN-R
-30cm Column Heater
-2998 PDA Detector28 Agilent GC/MS/MS 7000C-7890B 2017 •7000C
•7890B GC
•7693 ALS29 Agilent GC/MS/MS 7000C-7890B 2016 •7000C
•7890B GC30 Bruker GC/MS/MS SCION TQ/ 450-GC 2012 •SCION TQ
•CP-8400 Auto Sampler25 Agilent GC/Q-TOF/MS 7200Q-TOF/ 7890B 2015 •7200Q-TOF
•7890B GC26 JEOL TOF/MS JMS-T200GC 2017 •JMS-T200GC 27 JEOL TOF/MS JMS-T100GC 2015 •JMS-T100GCV 31 JEOL
/AgilentGC/MS 7890B/ JMS-Q1500GC 2019 •7890B GC
•JMS-Q1500GC MSD34 Agilent GC/MS 7890A-5975C 2008 •7890A GC
•5975C inert XL MSD35 Agilent GC/MS 6890N-5975B 2007 •6890N GC
•5975B MSD36 Agilent GC/MS 6890N-5975B 2007 •6890N GC
•5975B MSD37 Agilent GC/MS 6890N-5973N •6890N GC
•5973N MSD42 Thermo GC/MS TraceGC Ultra/ ITQ900 2009 •ITQ900 MSD
•Vacuum Pump *2ea
•TraceGC Ultra GC
•Direct Probe Controller
•HSS TP 10020 Agilent Single MSD 5975C 2010 •5975C MSD 21 JEOL Single MSD JMS-Q1500GC 2017 •JMS-Q1500GC MSD 22 JEOL Single MSD JMS-Q1050GC 2012 •JMS-Q1050GC MSD 23 JEOL Single MSD JMS-Q1000GC 2008 •JMS-Q1000GC MSD 24 JEOL Single MSD JMS-Q1000GC 2007 •JMS-Q1000GC MSD 43 Agilent ICP-MS 7700S 2013 •7700S
•S Lens (He, S Collision)
•Vacuum Pump44 Agilent ICP-MS 7700X 2010 •7700X
•Heat Exchanger
•Vacuum Pump45 Agilent ICP-MS 7500CE 2006 •7500CE
•Auto Sampler
•Heat Exchanger
•Vacuum Pump46 Agilent UHPLC 1290 Infinity LC 2011 •G4220A Bin Pump
•G4226A ALS
•G1316C Column Compartment
•G1330B Thermostat
•G4227A Flex cube
•G4212A DAD47 Agilent UHPLC 1290 Infinity LC 2011 •G4220A Bin Pump
•G4226A ALS
•G1316C TCC
•G1330B Thermostat
•G1314E VWD48 Agilent UHPLC 1290 Infinity LC •G4220A Bin Pump
•G4226A ALS
•G1316C TCC
•G1314F VWD50 Agilent HPLC 1260 Infinity LC 2014 •G1311C Quat Pump VL
•G1316A TCC
•G1329B ALS
•G1314B VWD VL51 Agilent HPLC 1260 Infinity LC 2012 •G1312B Bin Pump
•G1329B ALS
•G1316A TCC
•G1330B Thermostat
•G4225A HiP Dagasser
•G4212B DAD53 Agilent HPLC 1260 Infinity LC •G1312C Bin Pump VL
•G1367E HiP ALS
•G1316A TCC
•G1330B Thermostat
•G1322A Degasser
•G1314F VWD54 Agilent HPLC 1260 Infinity LC •G1311C Quat Pump VL
•G1329B ALS
•G1316A TCC
•G1330B Thermostat
•G1314F VWD55 Agilent HPLC 1200 Series •G1312A Bin Pump
•G1322A Degasser
•G1329A ALS
•G1330B 1290 Thermostat
•G1316A TCC
•G1315C DAD
•G1321A FLD56 Agilent HPLC 1200 Series •G1312A Bin Pump
•G1322A Degasser
•G1329A ALS
•G1330B 1290 Thermostat
•G1316A TCC
•G1315C DAD
•G1321A FLD57 Agilent HPLC 1200 Series •G1312A Bin Pump
•G1322A Degasser
•G1329A ALS
•G1330B 1290 Thermostat
•G1316A TCC
•G1315C DAD
•G1321A FLD58 Agilent HPLC 1200 Series •G1310A Iso Pump
•G1329A ALS
•G1316A TCC
•G1365D MWD59 Agilent HPLC 1200 Series •G1312A Bin Pump
•G1329A ALS
•G1316A TCC
•G1330B FC/ALS Therm
•G1322A Degasser
•G1315D DAD61 Waters UPLC Acquity I-Class 2015 •Binary Solvent Manager
•Sample Manager–FL
•Column Manager
•30cm Column Heater/Cooler
•TUV Detector62 Waters UPLC Acquity H-Class 2014 •Quaternary Solvent Manager
•Sample Manager–FTN
•Column Heater
•30cm Column Heater/Cooler
•PDA Detector63 Waters UPLC Acquity H-Class 2013 •Quaternary Solvent Manager
•Sample Manager–FTN
•Sample Organizer
•Column Heater
•30cm Column Heater/Cooler
•TUV Detector64 Waters UPLC Acquity H-Class 2012 •Quaternary Solvent Manager
•Sample Manager–FTN
•Sample Organizer
•Column Heater
•30cm Column Heater/Cooler
•TUV Detector
•FLR Detector65 Waters UPLC Acquity H-Class 2011 •Quaternary Solvent Manager
•Sample Manager–FTN
•Column heater
•PDA eλ Detector
•FLR Detector66 Waters UPLC Acquity UPLC 2011 •Binary Solvent Manager
•Sample Manager
•Column Heater
•PDA Detector67 Waters UPLC Acquity UPLC 2010 •Binary Solvent Manager
•Sample Manager
•Column Heater
•TUV Detector68 Waters HPLC Acquity ARC 2018 •bioQuaternary Solvent Manager-R
•bioSample Manager FTN-R
•30cm Column Heater
•2998 PDA Detector69 Waters HPLC Alliance e2695(Blue) 2018 •e2695(Blue)
•30cm Column Heater
•2489 UVD Detector70 Waters HPLC Alliance e2695(Blue) 2017 •e2695(Blue)
•30cm Column Heater
•2489 UVD Detector71 Waters HPLC Alliance e2695(Blue) 2013 •e2695(Blue)
•30cm Column Heater
•2489 UVD Detector72 Waters HPLC Alliance e2695(White) •e2695(White)
•30cm Column Heater
•2489 UVD Detector73 Waters HPLC Alliance e2695(White) 2010 •e2695(White)
•30cm Column Heater
•2998 PDA Detector74 Waters HPLC Alliance 2695(White) •2695(White)
•30cm Column Heater
•2489 UVD Detector75 Waters HPLC Alliance 2695(White) •2695(White)
•30cm Column Heater
•2489 UVD Detector76 Waters HPLC Alliance 2695 2007 •Alliance 2695
•30cm Column Heater
•2996 PDA Detector77 Waters HPLC Alliance 2695 •Alliance 2695
•996 PDA Detector78 Sciex HPLC Ekspert Nano LC 425 2022 •Ekspert NanoLC 425 Bin Pump with loading pump
•Ekspert NanoLC 400 Auto Sampler
•Solvent tray79 Shimadzu HPLC Prominence 2006 •LC-20AD Pump *2ea
•SIL-20AC Auto Sampler
•CTO-20AC Column Oven
•DGU-20A3 Degasser
•SCL-10AVP System Controller
•Cell Temp Controller
•CRB-6A Chemical Reaction Tank
•RID-10A Differential Refractometer
•SPD-20AV UV-Vis Detector80 Thermo
(Dionex)IC Integrion HPIC 2018 •Integrion HPIC (Cation)
•AS-AP Autosampler
•Column Thermostat
•Electrical Conductivity Detector CD w/Cell
•Detector Compartment Temperature Control
•Dongle81 Thermo
(Dionex)IC Integrion HPIC 2018 •Integrion HPIC (Cation) 82 Agilent GC Intuvo 9000 2023 •Intuvo 9000 (FID)
•Auto injectorUpcoming in 2025 83 Agilent GC Intuvo 9000 2018 •Intuvo 9000 (FID)
•7650A Auto injector84 Agilent GC 7890B 2016 •7890B GC (no Detector) 85 Agilent GC 7890A 2012 •7890A (FID, TCD)
•7693 ALS
-Auto injector *2ea
-150 Tray86 Agilent GC 6890N 2007 •6890N GC (no Detector) 87 Agilent GC 6890A 2010 •6890A GC (FID) 88 Shimadzu GC GC-2030AF 2018 •GC-2030AF (FID, FTD)
•AOC-20i plus
•AOC-20s plus89 Shimadzu GC GC-2014 2010 •GC 2014 (FID×2, TCD×1)
•AOC-20iUpcoming soon 90 Shimadzu GC GC-2010 2002 •GC-2010 (FID, S/SL)
•AOC-20i Auto injector91 Hitachi AAS ZA3300 2014 •ZA3300 92 PerkinElmer FT-IR Spectrum Two 2017 •Spectrum Two
•ATR93 PerkinElmer FT-IR Spectrum Two 2017 •Spectrum Two
•ATR94 Agilent FT-IR Cary 660 FTIR 2015 •Cary 660 FTIR
•Cary 620 FTIR Microscope95 Agilent UV-VIS Cary 60 2013 •Cary60 96 Agilent UV-VIS Cary 8454 2017 •Cary 8454 97 Thermo UV-VIS Orion AquaMate 7100 2020 •Orion AquaMate 7100 98 Shimadzu UV-VIS UV-2600 2015 •UV-2600
•Syringe Shipper99 Bruker ALS CP-8400 Auto Sampler 2012 •CP-8400 Auto Sampler 100 GLSciences Purge&Trap Aqua PT 6000 2012 •Aqua PT 6000 P&T
•Aqua PT AS6100 Auto Sampler101 GLSciences Purge&Trap Aqua PT 5000J Plus 2007 •Tekmar Aqua PT 5000J Plus P&T
•Tekmar Aqua Auto70 Auto Sampler
•Vial Cooling Set (w/Chiller)102 OI Analytical Eclipse Purge&Trap 4660 P&T 2010 •4660 P&T 103 OI Analytical Eclipse Purge&Trap 4660 P&T 2009 •4660 P&T 104 GL Science Canister Concentration System AERO Tower System
ACS-21002016 •CS 2120 (Canister Auto Sampler)
•CC 2110 (Sample Concentration Introduction Device)
•CC 2180 (Canister Cleaner)105 Cytiva SPR Biacore 8K 2021 •Biacore 8K 106 LNI Air Generator Zero Air ZA-6L-EU 107 VELP Automatic Kjeldahl Nitrogen Protein Analyzer UDK-149 2016 •UDK149 108 Agilent Bioanalyze Bioanalyzer 2100 2013 •Bioanalyzer 2100 109 Agilent Bio Analyzer Bioanalyzer 2100 2008 •Bioanalyzer 2100 110 Beckman DNA Sequencer GenomeLab GeXP Basic 2013 •GenomeLab GeXP Basic 111 Horiba Hydrogen Generator OPGU-2200 2009 •OPGU-2200 112 Beckman Laboratory Automation Workstation Biomek 3000 •Biomek 3000 113 Beckman Nucleic Acid Extractor SPRI-TE •SPRI-TE 114 Shinsaeng Reverse Osmosis & Up Water Purification System SWPS-3001 •SWPS-3001 115 Biochrom Microplate Reader ASYS UVM 340 •ASYS UVM 340 116 JEIO Tech Recipro Shaker RS-1 •RS-1 117 Scientific Industries Vortex Mixer Vortex-Genie2 •Vortex-Genie2 118 Beckman Particle Counter MET ONE 3445 2016 •MET ONE 3445 119 Thermo Personal Genome Machine ION-PGM 2014 •Ion Torrent PGM
•Ion OneTouchES
•Ion OneTouch 2
•APC SMART-UPS 1500120 Millipore Water Purification System ICW-3000 •ICW-3000 121 Millipore Water Purification System Milli-Q •Milli-Q 122 Crossge UPS HFU-TM 2022 15KVA 123 Crossge UPS KR1110L 2022 10KVA 124 ISTECH UPS SHTX-1110 2022 10KVA 125 Jung Nam UPS YES - 2100 2022 10KVA 126 Jung Nam UPS YES - 2100 2022 10KVA 127 SIGMA TEC UPS PLANT UPS 5KVA < M O D U L E > No. Maker Item Model Vintage Configuration Remark 1 Agilent LC(Module) APCI 2015 G1947B (1200 Series) 2 Agilent LC(Module) 1290 Thermostat G1330B (1200 Series) 3 Agilent LC(Module) FC/ALS Therm 2010 G1330B (1200 Series) 4 Agilent LC(Module) FC/ALS Therm 2007 G1330B (1200 Series) 5 Agilent LC(Module) Degasser G1322A (1200 Series) 6 Agilent LC(Module) Degasser G1322A (1100 Series) 7 Agilent LC(Module) TCC G1316A (1100 Series) 8 Agilent LC(Module) VWD Detector G1314A (1100 Series) 10 Agilent LC(Module) instant pilot 2011 G4208A (1200 Series) 12 Agilent LC(Module) instant pilot 2008 G4208A (1200 Series) 14 Agilent LC(Module) instant pilot G2629A (1100 Series) 15 Agilent LC(Module) instant pilot G1323B (1100 Series) 17 Waters LC(Module) PDA e λ Detector 2012 Acquity UPLC 18 Waters LC(Module) PDA eλ Detector 2011 Acquity UPLC 19 Waters LC(Module) PDA Detector 2007 Acquity UPLC 20 Waters LC(Module) TUV Detector 2012 Acquity UPLC 21 Waters LC(Module) TUV Detector 2012 Acquity UPLC 22 Waters LC(Module) 2414 RID Detector 2021 Alliance Series(Blue) 23 Waters LC(Module) 2475 FLR Detector 2009 Alliance Series(White) 24 Waters LC(Module) 2487 UVD Detector 2006 Alliance Series(White) 25 Waters LC(Module) 30cm Column Heater Alliance Series(White) 26 Shimadzu LC(Module) FCV-20AH2 BLK 2020 High Pressure Switching Valve 27 Senshu Scientific LC(Module) SSC-2300 Column Oven ※not Used 28 Agilent GC(Module) PFPD Detector 2012 •PFPD Detector Price is being negotiated (not secured/매입 검토중) No. Maker Item Model Vintage Configuration Remark 1 Agilent GC/MS/MS 7000D-7890B 2019 •7000D MSD
•7890B GC
•7693A ALS2 Agilent GC/MS 7890B-5977B 2018 •7890B GC
•5977B MSD
•Turbo Pump
•7693 ALS3 Shimadzu GC/MS/MS GCMS-TQ8040 2017 •GCMS-TQ8040
•Auto injector AOC-20i
•Auto sampler AOC-20S4 Shimadzu GC/MS GCMS-QP2020 2017 •GCMS-QP2020
•Auto sampler AOC-60005 Shimadzu LC/MS/MS LCMS-8050/ Prominence 2017 •LCMS-8050
-LC-20AD *2ea
-Mixer6 Shimadzu HPLC LC2030C 3D Plus 2019 •Prominence-i series LC-2030C 3D Plus
•PDA Detector7 Shimadzu LC(Module) RF-20AXS 2020 •RF-20AXS 8 Shimadzu LC(Module) CRB-6A 2013 •CRB-6A 9 Waters LC/TOF/MS Vion IMS QTof/ I-Class UPLC 2018 •Vion IMS QTof
•Acquity I-Class UPLC
-Binary Solvent Manager
-Sample Manager
-Column Heater
-ePDA Detector10 Waters LC/MS/MS Xevo TQ-XS/ I-Class UPLC 2018 •Xevo TQ-XS
•Acquity I-Class UPLC
-Binary Solvent Manager
-Sample Manager
-Column Manager CM-A
-eλ PDA DetectorUpcoming in 2025 11 Waters LC/MS/MS Xevo TQ-S Micro/ Acquity UPLC 2016 •Xevo TQ-S Micro
•Acquity UPLC
-Solvent Manager
-Sample Manager
-Column Heater12 Waters LC/MS/MS TQD/ Acquity UPLC 2009 •TQD
•Acquity UPLC
-Binary Solvent Manager
-Sample Manager
-Column Heater
-PDA Detector
-FLR Detector13 Waters LC/MS QDA/ H-Class Plus UPLC 2019 •QDa
•Acquity H-Class Plus UPLC
-Quaternary Pump
-Auto Sampler
-Column Heater
-e λ PDA Detector14 Hitachi HPLC Chromaster 2018 •Pump 5110
•Low Pressure Gradient
•Oven 5310
•Auto sampler 5210
•Degasser H892-0150
•Interface Control Board
•UV Detector 5410Upcoming in 2025 15 Shimadzu XRF EDX-7000 2016 Energy Dispersing type,
RoHs, Halogen, Antimon,
Screening Analysis Kit
EDX Data Processing NotebookUpcoming in 2025 16 Agilent FT-IR EARY630 2020 FTIR, KBr Option, Gas Cell 50mm, DiamondATR, Transmission Module Upcoming in 2025 17 Hitachi Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-2700 2019 •F-2700 No. Maker Item Model Vintage Configuration Remark 1 JEOL FE-EPMA JXA-8530F 2017 •JXA-8530F(5ch) Plus
•EPMA Data processor
•Phase analysis program
•Irregular sample analysis program
•Trace element analysis program
•Phase map Maker
•Liquid nitrogen trap
•Active Vibration removal stand2 JEOL SEM JSM-6510LV 2014 •JSM-6510LV
•Operation Keyboard
•Motor Controlled Stage(2 Axis)3 JEOL SEM JSM-6360LV 2004 •JSM-6360LV SEM main unit
•61090(MS) 2-axis motor stage(Max specimen size 150 mm, 80x40mm)
•47414 PC unit(2 USB port, PC card slot)
•34470 backscatter electron detector
•47512 CRT monitor
•65020(PRD2) device for photography
•65040(CSI2) device for scan Image photography
•65150(OKB) operation keyboard
•49020 chiller
•LGSHL solvent holder4 Keyence 3D Surface Measurement Microscope VE-9800S 2006 with 3D/Motorized Stage
EDAX G-XM2 CDU/SUTW5 Olympus Semiconductor wafer inspection microscope 2006 •Brightfield/Darkfield illuminator+Fiber Adapter(BX-RLA2+U-LGAD)
•Motorized Nosepiece 6-Position RMS Threads(ob: 1.25x 2.5x 10x 20x 50x 100xBD)(U-D6REM)
•Levo Controller/Hand switch(U-REMCB/U-HSTR)
•Light Guide
•Transmission Light unit
•Imaging lens(Camera adapter)/touble port(U-TLU+U-TV0.5XC)
•Light Reduction Filter/Color Temperature Conversion Filter
•Color camera(Including the manual measurement function)
•Stage and stage driving controller
•Color video printers and ACC
•Auto focus unit and PCPrice is being negotiated (not secured/매입 검토중) No. Maker Item Model Vintage Configuration Remark 1 Hitachi SEM S-3700N 2017 SEM, Large Sample Chamber (maximum 300mm diameter), 5-axis MD, Camera Navigation, Secondary/Reflection Electrons, Low Vacuum Secondary Electron Detector ESED-II, EDX HORIBA EMAX Evolution X Max50 EX470 2 Hitachi SEM SU3500 2016 SEM, Secondary Electron Detector, Reflection Electron Detector, Low Vacuum Secondary Electron Detector,
EDX (AMETEC Octane Plus), MC1000 ion Sputter, Etc.3 Hitachi SEM S-3400N 2011 SEM, Type1, Secondary Electron Detector, Reflection Electron Detector,
Maximum Sample Size 200mm×35mm thickness, Turbo-Molecular Pump4 JEOL SEM JSM-IT200LA 2019 SEM, EDS, Low Vacuum Secondary Electron Detector, Station Navigation,
Chamber Scope, Carbon Coater,
Freezing/Drying systemUpcoming in 2025 5 JEOL Desktop
SEMJCM-7000 2020 Desktop SEM, EDS, High/Low Vacuum Mode, X/Y Motor Drive Stage, Stage Navigation, Inclined Rotary Motor Drive Holder 6 Shimadzu Microfocus
CT SysteminspeXio SMX225CT FPD HR 2016 FPD-16, 8CL-H, Data processing system, Image analysis S/W, Sub work station, Etc. 7 Leica Stereo Microscope M80 2017 M80, Objective lens Plan 1.0x, LED ring light, Binocular tilt lens barrel 45 degrees, Eyepiece 10x(x2), Ergo wedge, Photo tube, Digital camera MC170HD, C-mount, Flex Arm '재고리스트' 카테고리의 다른 글
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